Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

January 11, 2005

The Ankle Boots of Brown

Filed under: Shoes — Manolo @ 11:26 am

Michael Toschi - London (Oxblood Pebble) - Men's   Manolo Likes! Click!

Manolo says, after all the talk of the browns and how not to wear them with the suits of the dark colors, the Manolo he will now recommend to you this ankle boot by the Michael Toschi..

The peoples at the Zappos they have said that this boot it is “ideal for the boardroom”.

Ha! The Manolo he laughs at the ignorance of their copywriters. Do not listen to them. This boot, an ankle boot of brown, it is perfect for the country gentleman or the stylish professor to wear with the tweeds or the khakis.

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