Manolo says, this brown shoe from the Allen-Edmonds not only is it perfect for wearing with the casual khakis, but it is on the sale, reduced over $100 of the American dollars.
If you have the giant feets, this shoe it comes in the American size 16.
P.S. This shoe, it also answers the question about the giant feets that one of the Manolo’s internet friends had asked.
On the american shoes for men, I have a question. I am very conservative dresser (CPA), and have a large foot (14) leaving me out in the cold in terms of more fashionable footwear.
I am limited to essentially Johnston and Murphy or Allen Edmonds for workshes. (Higher end J&M only). Alden does not cater to fat foot.
What do you think between the two brands? I need a new algonquin -style oxford, and they are comparably priced.
Manolo says, for the Manolo, there is little difference between the Johnston and Murphy and the Allen Edmonds. Both are good mid-priced shoes, suitable for the business wear.
If, however, you are serious about the great shoes, they should be considered no more than the way station on the trip to the beautiful hand made shoes, which, of the course, can be made for any size of the foot.