Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

March 15, 2005

Say It With The Flowers

Filed under: Etiquette — Manolo @ 2:25 am

Manolo says, as part of the on-going process of the adult education of the man, the Manolo he would like to take this opportunity to say to you: send your mother some of the flowers .

One of the problems that many mens they have is that they do not understand the power of the flowers to make people, women, happy. Most of the men they send the flowers in the rote fashion, on the special occasions, like the Day of the San Valentino or the Day of the Mothers.

Although this it is fine, much better are the flowers that arrive out of the blue for no reason at all, or just because you were thinking of your mother, or your favorite auntie, or your sweetheart.

In the opinion of the Manolo you do not need the reason to send the flowers to the womens in your life. Although, if you desire, you may say they are for the Easter and/or the Passover, as your respective religious case it may be.

So, take the advice of the Manolo and send the mother the flowers. It will make her happy, and that is more than reason enough to do it.

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