Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

November 23, 2005

Hats Not to Wear

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Hats,Men's Fashion — Manolo @ 1:46 am

Coyote Ugly Hat

Manolo says, unless you are the living, breathing, reincarnation of the Davy Crockett (and trust the Manolo you, and the 300-pound, bearded man in the flannel, you are not the Davy Crockett), you should not be wearing the dead animal as the hat.

P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s patriarchy-hating friend the Twisty.


  1. Hopefully he has seen himself in the mirror and is preparing to stick that gun in his mouth.

    Fashion accessories that include the heads of small dead mammals are always to be avoided.

    Comment by Zarba — November 23, 2005 @ 1:30 pm

  2. My uncle has a fisher cap he made. That is COOL!

    Comment by Marcus Aurelius — November 26, 2005 @ 11:38 pm

  3. Now, now. It’s made for the reenactors of the history, where such things might actually be appropriate.

    Otherwise, no.

    Comment by Sigivald — December 28, 2005 @ 8:14 pm

  4. Really historically accurate fellas wouldn’t be that fat! And they’d make it themselves, from something they shot. It’s not something I brag about, but I’ve been to a few black powder shoots (flintlocks, bows and arrows, etc) and know both male and female one-time North American tomahawk-throwing champions.

    The only fur they wear that they didn’t shoot, they grew on their own bodies.

    Comment by raincoaster — March 19, 2006 @ 1:02 am

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