Flipping through the latest issue of Interpol Footwear Daily, Izzy learned that in Holland some police officers wear wooden clogs (appropriately called klompen in Dutch). He imagines that clog-wearing cops running in pairs must sound like a single officer on horseback.
May 31, 2006
May 30, 2006
May 26, 2006
Liberté, Egalité, Masculinité
Ditching the toga for linen, Monsieur Depardieu offers himself as the model for a new, male Statue of Liberty.
King Cannes
Y Tu Mama Tambien’s Gael Gabriel Bernal rocks the Cannes film festival in a super slim (Thom Browne?) jacket and splayed extra-long skinny tie.
Izzy’s one complaint is the stringy, frizzy hair.
Furry Except for the Palm
Somewhere a werewolf is missing his forelimbs.
Bid now before the eBay auction ends. The gloves will go great with this hat.
May 25, 2006
The Thigh’s the Limit
The New York Times is reporting that swimtrunks are getting shorter this summer. The above three, in differing lengths, are from Parke & Ronen.
Izzy is excited by the trend since his thighs (affectionately called “pulkies” in Yiddish) are perhaps his greatest physical asset.
Perfidious Hackery
The Manolo has some important news:
It appears that the blogs of the Manolo have been hacked into by the persons unknown to the Manolo, who have installed the trojan download onto the front page of all of the Manolo’s blogs.
The Manolo belives that he has taken care of this problem, however, you if you visited the blogs of the Manolo during the preceeding day, you may wish to examine your computers for the trojan progams.
It is perhaps the virus described at this link that you may wish to look for. It is the virus the TROJ_WMFCRASH.C or perhaps one of its variations.
Izzy hopes none of his devoted readers were harmed by such knavery. He has already unleashed the hounds…
May 24, 2006
Tougher than Leather
The only benefit of leather lapels is that they provide a better grip when tossing someone out of a saloon.
Lemon-Merengue Evel Knievel and the Open-Sored Undertaker
Frightening the Blue-Staters
The Academy of Country Music Awards had their prize ceremony yesterday. Although Izzy expected some gaucheries on the red carpet tarp, little did he know that one of the members of ZZ Top had fallen into embroidery hell.
And to think that one of his band’s hits is “Sharp-Dressed Man.” Izzy shudders to imagine what that jacket would look like under UV light.
May 23, 2006
Izzy has always had trouble finding athletic shoes that meet his exacting standards. Imagine his delight to discover that Nike now offers seersucker Air Force Ones.
They also come in periwinkle with a multicolored seersucker for, one presumes, the really tough guys on the basketball court.