The Manolo has some important news:
It appears that the blogs of the Manolo have been hacked into by the persons unknown to the Manolo, who have installed the trojan download onto the front page of all of the Manolo’s blogs.
The Manolo belives that he has taken care of this problem, however, you if you visited the blogs of the Manolo during the preceeding day, you may wish to examine your computers for the trojan progams.
It is perhaps the virus described at this link that you may wish to look for. It is the virus the TROJ_WMFCRASH.C or perhaps one of its variations.
Izzy hopes none of his devoted readers were harmed by such knavery. He has already unleashed the hounds…
Fucking hackers. The virus, it happened to me last year too. Luckily, the virus, it is not lasting.
Comment by Sonja — May 25, 2006 @ 9:49 pm