As a big fan of the bravado of the young Robert Evans, Izzy finds it a great shame that the famed Hollywood producer ultimately became a self-parody (and not in a good way).
Though Izzy tries his best not to notice the bolo and make-up, he does give Evans credit for always covering his neck in his senescence. Hiding a gizzard or neck jowls can make a man look much younger, which is no doubt of the utmost importance for a notorious skirt-chaser like Evans.
Evans is not alone in recognizing the benefits of hiding one’s neck. Other older but famously stylish men who always wear shirts with very high-collars include Tom Wolfe and (former president of the Motion Picture Association of America) Jack Valenti.
Don’t forget that the evil one, Herr Lagerfeld, can also often be seen in a collar which brushes the ear lobes.
Comment by mywhimsey — September 1, 2006 @ 7:20 pm
A bolo? With a turtleneck???? Dear God in heaven. I’d rather see him wearing a Big Cheesy Medallion. Go for a cravat. Or a stock. Or a cravat with the classic Vatermorder collar. The bolo is a classic, in its own right, but it belongs with the rest of the Western gear, and not with a turtleneck (or even the neck of a turtle. Heh.).
Comment by La BellaDonna — September 21, 2006 @ 12:40 pm