Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

August 28, 2006

Not Going for the Jugular

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion,Shirts,Tailoring — Izzy @ 3:16 am

As a big fan of the bravado of the young Robert Evans, Izzy finds it a great shame that the famed Hollywood producer ultimately became a self-parody (and not in a good way).

young Robert EvansRobert Evans in turtleneck

Though Izzy tries his best not to notice the bolo and make-up, he does give Evans credit for always covering his neck in his senescence. Hiding a gizzard or neck jowls can make a man look much younger, which is no doubt of the utmost importance for a notorious skirt-chaser like Evans.

Evans is not alone in recognizing the benefits of hiding one’s neck. Other older but famously stylish men who always wear shirts with very high-collars include Tom Wolfe and (former president of the Motion Picture Association of America) Jack Valenti.

Tome Wolfe in high collarJack Valenti in high collar


  1. Don’t forget that the evil one, Herr Lagerfeld, can also often be seen in a collar which brushes the ear lobes.

    Comment by mywhimsey — September 1, 2006 @ 7:20 pm

  2. A bolo? With a turtleneck???? Dear God in heaven. I’d rather see him wearing a Big Cheesy Medallion. Go for a cravat. Or a stock. Or a cravat with the classic Vatermorder collar. The bolo is a classic, in its own right, but it belongs with the rest of the Western gear, and not with a turtleneck (or even the neck of a turtle. Heh.).

    Comment by La BellaDonna — September 21, 2006 @ 12:40 pm

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