Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

March 1, 2007

Black vs. Blue

Filed under: Celebrity,Formal Wear,Men's Fashion,Tailoring — Izzy @ 1:19 am

Eddie Murphy in tux

Looking a bit like a turtle sticking its head out of its shell, Eddie Murphy would have benefited from a higher collar. Also, while midnight blue is an acceptable and sophisticated alternative to black in formal wear, the color of Murphy’s jacket is both unflattering and too light to qualify as such.


  1. Hmmm.

    Frankly the outfit makes him look a little puffy.

    Comment by ed — March 1, 2007 @ 12:45 pm

  2. Something is definitely wrong about the neckline, but I actually don’t mind the color. As you pointed out Tuxedo’s are traditionally midnight blue, not black, and he simply turned the brightness up a bit. I greatly prefer this to tuxedos that look like shiny-lapel business suits. Or the people wearing paisley patterned jackets that look like Hugh Hefner should be wearing them with his PJs and pipe.

    Comment by Jeff the Baptist — March 2, 2007 @ 11:30 am

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