Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

March 9, 2007

The Savile Row of British Comedy

Filed under: Celebrity,Etiquette,Men's Fashion,Suits — Izzy @ 5:01 pm

John Inman as Mr. Humphries

John Inman—the British comedic actor best known for playing Mr. Humphries, the campy menswear salesman on the BBC’s Are You Being Served?—has died. The hilarious sitcom, which ran from 1972 to 1985, was set in a department store so old-fashioned that the salespersons called each other mister and miss. (The closest Izzy has ever come to experiencing such a place is at Paul Stuart in New York.) A master of the double entrendre, the is-he-or-isn’t-he? Mr. Humphries was notoriously all-too-eager to measure an inside leg. An interverate scene-stealer whose trilled catch phrase was “I’m free,” Mr. Inman shall be missed.


  1. Izzy , very sad no-one has commented on the passing of this comic/ sartorial legend. Music hall comedy translated to TV in a way only the Brits have worked out, who could forget Mrs Slocum and her p***y, Captain Peacock and his superb suits and of course John Inman.


    Comment by wino1 — March 21, 2007 @ 7:32 am

  2. I’m so stunned…I haven’t had a comment. I’m going to go mourn him now…

    Comment by Flambeaux — March 27, 2007 @ 4:17 pm

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