Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

April 30, 2007

To Accompany a Stiff Upper Lip

Filed under: Formal Wear,Men's Fashion,Shirts — Izzy @ 11:58 am

Harvie & Hudson stiff collar

For those who are looking for the ultimate in formidable formal wear, Izzy recommends one of these fierce stiff formal collars from Harvie & Hudson of Jermyn Street. He himself is ginning up the courage to wear one.

April 27, 2007

Suing the Pants Off Them

Filed under: Maintenance,Men's Fashion,Trousers — Izzy @ 9:09 pm

An extremely litigious lawyer is suing his dry cleaner for losing a pair of his trousers. The damages he’s claiming? $65 million. While the suit is obviously absurd, Izzy has had so many bad experiences with dry cleaners—including shirts that came back dirtier than they went it—that he can find some sympathy for the plaintiff. Just not $65 millions worth.

April 26, 2007

Raking it In

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Celebrity,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 12:33 am

rakish Galliano

Perhaps Galliano is making a visual allusion to A Rake’s Progress. Either that or he’s regretting not having gone into lawn maintenance.

April 24, 2007

Boss Tweed

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Suits — Izzy @ 2:10 pm

Boss tweed jacketBoss tweed jacket lining

While Izzy is slightly put off by the size of the bellows pockets on the front of this Hugo Boss “hunting” jacket, he finds the jeans pocket on the inside delightful.

Semper Paratus*

Filed under: Etiquette,Gloves,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 1:57 pm

young Teddy Roosevelt

While reading Louis Auchincloss’ biography of Teddy Roosevelt, Izzy came across this nugget of pink gold:

TR needed a good deal of physical exercise, particularly to control a waistline responding to his hearty meals. He played tennis with aides, but he preferred riding and long hikes. On one of the latter, accompanied by some more or less willing diplomats, he encountered a stream that could be forded only by the removal of all clothing. J. J. Jusserand, the French ambassador and TR’s good friend, emulated his host except for a pair of pink gloves. Asked why he retained these, he replied: “In case we should run into ladies.”

*Always Prepared (The Coast Guard’s motto)

April 23, 2007

Reaching for My Revolver

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Ties — Izzy @ 9:23 pm

Fornasetti gun tie

Upon viewing this Fornasetti necktie, perhaps the most aggressive specimen of all time, Izzy concludes that sometimes a phallic symbol is just a phallic symbol.

April 20, 2007

Dorkus Maximus

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion,Shirts,Shorts,Socks,Trousers — Izzy @ 2:08 pm

Mayor Bloomberg in shorts

As Spring finally arrives on the East Coast, many men are no doubt getting the perverse desire to show off their hairy legs and gnarled knees. But before you reach for the shorts, Izzy beseeches you to keep in mind this image of New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who is usually well-dressed. (Note also that His Honor would have looked less goofy had he chosen a slimmer-fitting polo shirt with shorter sleeves.) And at the very least, if you absolutely, positively must wear dress shorts, do your fellow citizens a favor, and avoid white socks please.

Eexamsheets –
Realtests –
Test-inside –
Passguide –
Selftestengine –

On the Down Low

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Underwear — Izzy @ 12:45 am

underoos for men

Could novelty underwear really be on the rise? Izzy would like to remind his readers that a healthy sex life should include laughing, but not laughing and pointing.

April 18, 2007

Shearing Sanjaya

Filed under: Celebrity,Grooming,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 7:00 am

Sanjaya Malakar

The continuing success of Sanjaya Malakar, the American Idol contestant with a second-string voice, is supposedly a great mystery. But Izzy suspects it’s merely due to the gimmick of his bizarre hairstyle, an imitation of the horsehair crest on a hoplite helmet (on sale here for a meagre $349.95).

Fulfilling a dream of the tasteful everywhere, graphic designer Raphael Brickman has given the contestant a sorely needed haircut.

Sanjaya Malakar with a haircut

OK, Izzy admits that’s actually fellow (and ordinarily bald) contestant Phil Stacey. But if Stacey can be given a virtual toupee, there’s hope that someone will do a digital Delilah on Samson—er, Sanjaya.

April 17, 2007

To Arrgh or Not to Arrgh

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Men's Fashion,Swimwear — Izzy @ 7:56 pm

pirate Hamlet

The whole pirate-Hamlet-in-a-bikini thing is soooo 1983.

Big Shoes to Fill

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion,Shoes,Trousers — Izzy @ 12:55 am

footwear of the Manolo

Believe it or not, dear readers, but these feet are those of none other than the Manolo himself! He says he is wearing

the size eleven Clydes by the Taryn Rose, the pair of double-buckle, monk-strap shoes of which the Manolo has been especially fond this last year or so.

Who knew the Manolo was so tall? And who would have guessed he was such a fan of the gabardine?

For those who wish to follow the maestro’s taste in footwear, Zappos offers a similar, if more outre style from the same cordwainer.

April 12, 2007

Centurion, Vuitton

Filed under: Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 2:06 pm

centurion and Louis Vuitton

Two things in this photo caught Izzy’s eye: the whimsical transformation of Rome’s Louis Vuitton store into a giant steamer trunk, and the curious similarity between the centurion’s armor and said trunk.

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