At a party not too long ago, Izzy saw one of his well-sauced English friends rearrange his jacket to be worn inside out, which seemed to be a quick and clever way to go from proper and formal to woo-hoo!.  It’s too bad he wasn’t wearing this jacket from Paul Smith, which features a stunning chatoyant map of London, which even includes some street names. It reminds Izzy of the maps of Europe sewn into the linings of World War II bomber jackets, which downed Allied aviators could use to escape and evade. Come to think of it, perhaps the Paul Smith lining has a functional use as well: to assist a liquored-up tourist return to his London lodgings.
June 4, 2007
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I’m really digging that bomber jacket. Very nice. Looks very expensive?
Comment by Noelia — December 12, 2007 @ 5:23 pm