Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

June 29, 2007

Untimely Tux

Nick Cannon in tux

With the gape in his shirt collar, the 1970s-sized bowtie, and industrial-sized watch, musician Nick Cannon is ready for the prom, not an awards show. 

Although few still follow it, there is a hoary rule that a gentleman never wears a watch with formal wear—after all, on those occasions he would never need to take notice of the time.


  1. Yeah, not a fan of that. He could have at least put the gargantuan bow-tie on straight. If I were his date, I would consider blindfolding myself with that scarf thing he’s got there.

    Comment by la petite chou chou — July 1, 2007 @ 5:16 pm

  2. I agree that he looks like he’s on his way to the senior prom.

    I disagree with not wearing a watch however. Watches are important pieces of male jewelry. But like jewelry you have to wear them for the right occasion. It’s fine to wear a bulky sport watch to the beach or the game, but a formal occasion means a smaller more formal watch. It’s especially bad for Cannon since he is obviously going for a minimalist look and the watch pushes him to new levels of fail.

    Comment by Jeff the Baptist — July 2, 2007 @ 3:42 pm

  3. In addition to the oversize watch and bowtie, flap pockets are a definite no on a dinner jacket.

    Comment by Ed Driscoll — July 2, 2007 @ 4:26 pm

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