Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

January 21, 2008

Pink Eye for the Conservative Guy

Filed under: Hats,Men's Fashion,Shirts,Suits,Ties — Izzy @ 12:10 pm

pinks and reds

Capturing a sentiment that originated with the French Revolution, Republicans in France for a long time subscribed to the slogan, “Il n’y a pas d’ennemi à gauche,” meaning “No enemies to the left.”  Whether or not that should be the case in politics, it is certainly true with respect to the colors on the political spectrum: Pinks and Reds can indeed get along.


  1. What is up with the lighting? For a moment, I thought a mannequin had come to life and was walking the runway.

    Comment by me — January 25, 2008 @ 6:52 pm

  2. Yes, the pink shirt does make the chap faintly reminiscent of a zombie. He needs a tan, then the pink will of-set his skin beautifully.

    Comment by Louche — January 28, 2008 @ 5:17 am

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