Like the directions of a compass rose, Roman Polanski’s hair and open wing collar point in all directions—which, fittingly for a director, makes his face the focal point.
May 27, 2008
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I don’t want to be the site gadfly, but I would like to note that — in hair and dress — Polanski in this photo is exactly the same as Penn in the photo below (albeit without the tie). Yet all the love for Roman and none for poor Sean. Strange.
Comment by C.S. — May 28, 2008 @ 6:11 pm
Guess the British are just ignorant or he is lazy. You wear a detachable stiff wing collar with a tunic shirt if you’re going to wear one at all. The type of shirt he’s wearing is just cheap.
Comment by Executus Maximus — August 5, 2008 @ 9:32 pm