If, while recently visiting the troops in Kuwait and Afghanistan, Barack Obama strove to look like the ordinary man, he succeeded all too well. With his shapeless black polo shirt, ill-fitting pleated khakis (note the bunching in the crotch and the pooling at the ankles), and prominently-displayed Blackberry and wireless microphone, he is dressed for dorky casual Friday (a/k/a golfwear at the office). The only exception to that sorry look are his brown suede boots, which clash with his black shirt and belt. Making matters worse, his unbuttoned collar emphasizes the scrawniness of his neck.
Izzy’s biggest objection, however, is the visibility of Obama’s electronic gear. If it’s true that you should never let them see you sweat, it’s all the more the case that you should never let them see your Blackberry. Visibly wearing such equipment makes a man look like a slave to the office, a terrible thing for any would-be chief executive.  Obama should either have worn a jacket to conceal such necessities or, better yet, have had his assistants carry them.
Dorky indeed. Surely this get-up was deliberately designed to be so unbecoming.
Comment by Mark — July 21, 2008 @ 6:27 pm
This is the male equivalent of Mom Jeans.
Comment by Phyllis — July 21, 2008 @ 9:36 pm
And the pleats make him look like a refugee from an old Dockers commercial.
Comment by Gorgeous Things — July 21, 2008 @ 9:58 pm
Funny stuff…
Comment by Matthew Kimel — July 29, 2008 @ 7:19 pm
The polo shirt is way too big on him, which makes me think it was quickly borrowed from someone else – probably a staffer.
As far as black and brown clothing together, that’s really a matter of taste. If placed carefully, the usage of the two can actually compliment and dramatize what would be a rather boring monotone outfit.
Comment by Nirodha — August 4, 2008 @ 7:50 pm
Black shirt and khakis is a bugaboo of mine — two neutrals that are just so blah when paired together.
Comment by cjb — August 4, 2008 @ 11:36 pm
Black and brown?Helllllll no!Black and brown don’t even get along in jail,and we have an idea why-neither one wants to relinquish predominance…….
Comment by foolio_iglesias — March 11, 2009 @ 10:36 pm