Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

December 9, 2008

Men and Their Hose

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Hats,Men's Fashion,Underwear — Izzy @ 6:20 pm

Izzy was blissfully unaware of the trend of men wearing pantyhose, until a reader sent him this article:

The trend for straight men to invade female fashion territory is seemingly unstoppable. Even before manscara and guyliner there were man bras, or manzieres. Now there are umpteen websites for male nylons. One, e-MANcipate!, describes itself as “a project to accelerate the acceptance of male pantyhose as a regular clothing item” with tips on how to deal with snagging (a dab of clear nail varnish, I find, fellas, and do watch those shoe buckles).

Surely you don’t need Izzy to tell you that “mantyhose,” even with a special “male comfort panel,” is stretching things too far. They only time a gentleman should ever be caught with hose on is when he has pulled a pair over his head to rob a grocery store for diapers.


  1. The closest I get to wearing “pantyhose” is spandex leggings under my long underwear when I’m on the ski slopes. It’s that extra layer that helps keep me that much warmer.

    Comment by Smokey — December 11, 2008 @ 11:50 pm

  2. Women have been trying to get the hell out of full-length pantyhose for years, and here are men trying to get in them!

    Comment by Glinda — December 17, 2008 @ 8:49 pm

  3. The increasing amount of faggotry dominating our society makes me want to vomit.

    Comment by Cletus — December 21, 2008 @ 12:14 pm

  4. so tired of the gayness

    Comment by deek — December 22, 2008 @ 11:12 am

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