Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

January 5, 2009

Let ‘Er Rip

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Tailoring,Trousers,Underwear — Izzy @ 8:50 pm

YE Venezuela Independence Day

While parading during Venezuela’s Independence Day, this army cadet looked down to discover that it his crotch was celebrating its newfound freedom.  It’s a good thing the soldier wasn’t going commando.


  1. I doubt he’s a cadet. 1. He have the Wings, you don’t get them pre-graduation. 2. The two officers marsching behind him are, based on the “oliv leaves” on their hats, colonels. Colonels and cadets don’t marsch together.

    Comment by Officer Green — January 6, 2009 @ 6:48 pm

  2. Those trousers must have been poorly put together if they came apart that easily. If you look, it’s like they just let go at the seams.

    Comment by Smokey — January 18, 2009 @ 12:41 pm

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