Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

November 7, 2010

Face or figure?

Filed under: Celebrity,Husbands and Wives — Mr. Henry @ 12:09 pm

According to reporting in today’s New York Times, men looking for short-term thrills with a woman pay more attention to her figure than to her face, and men looking for long-term commitment pay more attention to face than figure.

Does this constitute news? Guys looking for a roll in the hay valuing wiggle more than wink?

More surprising, the study concludes that women valued face and body equally in their decision-making . What? Mr. Henry would have assumed women to have more sense than that.

Go figure.

In the case of Angie Dickinson, for example, Mr. Henry says “yes” to both questions.

Mr. Henry believes the more interesting question is at what point in a boy’s life he stops focusing on breasts and starts paying closer attention to legs and where they come from.

The Playboy Man’s obsession with bazoongas is decidedly, incontestably infantile.

Grow up, dude.

Marry for conversation, not for sex, they say. Why? Because the sex becomes an extension of the conversation, and vice versa. It’s a lifelong path leading to the best of both.

1 Comment

  1. My personal perference is for a wonderful intellect (hence my infatuation with Mr. Henry ;-) and a certain look in the eyes.

    Comment by Jennie — November 8, 2010 @ 7:59 pm

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