Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

February 23, 2011

Costello & Tagliapietra: Among The Most Stylish New Yorkers!

Filed under: Men's Fashion,The Big Man — Manolo @ 1:56 pm
Jeffrey Costello & Robert Tagliapietra

Jeffrey Costello & Robert Tagliapietra, Stylish Bears

Manolo says, finally, there is hope for ordinary American men!

While their clothes they design for others are beautiful, no one would accuse the fashion designers Robert Tagliapietra and Jeffrey Costello of being anything other than burly gay bears, but they are good enough

But, perhaps if you were the burly, big-bellied straight man who wished to claim the mantle of stylishness, you could do worse than emulate these two.

Costello Tagliapietra

And now in the formal wear, accessorized with the Alber Elbaz figurine…

Costello Tagliapietra & Alber Elbaz

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