Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

May 24, 2006

Frightening the Blue-Staters

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Celebrity,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 3:08 pm

The Academy of Country Music Awards had their prize ceremony yesterday. Although Izzy expected some gaucheries on the red carpet tarp, little did he know that one of the members of ZZ Top had fallen into embroidery hell.

embroidered ZZ Top

And to think that one of his band’s hits is “Sharp-Dressed Man.” Izzy shudders to imagine what that jacket would look like under UV light.


  1. Okay, fine, the jacket is a train wreck of epic proportions, but the thing that really concerns me is that hat. What is going on there?

    Comment by mywhimsey — May 24, 2006 @ 4:33 pm

  2. Probably, it’s his wife. She has a new embroidery machine, and he’s in hell. Can you blame him for wearing it?

    Comment by Sonja — May 25, 2006 @ 9:51 pm

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