Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

August 31, 2006

The Sloppy Tux

Filed under: Celebrity,Formal Wear,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 11:52 pm

Jeremy Piven in sloppy tux

Jeremy Piven showed up to the Emmy’s looking like he’d slept in his tux after a long night of drinking. While this hungover look is unlikely to work outside of Hollywood, Izzy has to admit there’s something endearing about that shirt stud hanging free.

August 30, 2006

Schoolboy Socks

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Socks — Izzy @ 11:56 pm

schoolboy socksschoolboy socks orange

With the new school year right around the corner, Izzy thinks fondly ahead to autumn college sports, the fans of which are given license to wear fun, if a little silly, school colors, a lot like these pairs from J. Crew. On sale for just $2.99.

August 28, 2006

Not Going for the Jugular

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion,Shirts,Tailoring — Izzy @ 3:16 am

As a big fan of the bravado of the young Robert Evans, Izzy finds it a great shame that the famed Hollywood producer ultimately became a self-parody (and not in a good way).

young Robert EvansRobert Evans in turtleneck

Though Izzy tries his best not to notice the bolo and make-up, he does give Evans credit for always covering his neck in his senescence. Hiding a gizzard or neck jowls can make a man look much younger, which is no doubt of the utmost importance for a notorious skirt-chaser like Evans.

Evans is not alone in recognizing the benefits of hiding one’s neck. Other older but famously stylish men who always wear shirts with very high-collars include Tom Wolfe and (former president of the Motion Picture Association of America) Jack Valenti.

Tome Wolfe in high collarJack Valenti in high collar

August 25, 2006

Matt Groaning

Matt Groening

Ay caramba! If he’s not careful, Simpsons‘ creator Matt Groening might publicly strangle himself.

Silver ‘Stache

Filed under: Celebrity,Grooming,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 11:33 pm

young Mark HarmonMark Harmon in 'stache

Thanks to his new whiskers, Mark Harmon has fully made the transition from pretty boy to handsome man. (Note also how he color-coordinated his shirt and tie with his hair.)

August 23, 2006

Stars in Speedos

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion,Swimwear — Izzy @ 2:37 pm

Donny Deutsch in Speedo

An early, mulleted incarnation of Donny Deutsch demonstrates the unbearable brightness of wearing trunks before briefs.

Harrison Ford in Speedo

Han Speedo (looking a bit scrawny, no?) demonstrates that the Schwartz is with him.
Tom Jones in Speedo

Tom “C.O.” Jones frightens the children.

Hulk Hogan in Speedo

Hulk Hogan’s bikini probably glows in the dark, just like that alien from Communion he’s impersonating.

David Beckham in Speedo

David Beckham, here in cancerous crimson, proves he can pull off just about anything clothing-wise.

August 22, 2006

Praying at the Shoe Altar

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Shoes — Izzy @ 3:20 pm

Berluti National Geographic

National Geographic, of all places, has a special feature on the Joy of Shoes in its September issue. Of particular interest to Izzy’s readers is an article on the woman behind Berluti shoes, who found her calling through a true epiphany:

Olga Berluti loves men’s feet—a passion, not a fetish, she says. The passion began with her convent schooling in Italy. A long corridor led to the chapel and a 14th-century statue of Christ. “I would approach the altar,” she remembers. “The nailed feet of Christ were exactly on the same level as my eyes. I stared and stared. I said to myself: When I am older, I will remove the nails. I will relieve the suffering of men’s feet.”

Shoe-lovers should be mighty thankful regarding the positioning of that statue. Had it been much lower, signora Berluti might have become a world-class glover instead of a cordwainer.

August 21, 2006

Sleeves Fit for Ishtar

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion,Suits,Tailoring,The Not Tall Man — Izzy @ 11:52 am

Dustin Hoffman's sleeves

With his jacket sleeves extending all the way to his knuckles, Dustin Hoffman not only makes it look like he has nothing but hand-me-downs in his wardrobe, but draws attention to his height, or rather lack thereof.

August 17, 2006

Men with Guts

Filed under: Men's Fashion,The Big Man — Izzy @ 11:50 pm

Tenacious D

Izzy has no idea whether this is true, but some New Yorkers are claiming that carrying some flab is fab again for men. As the above photo suggsts, Jack Black was apparently onto this years ago.

[New York] men are carrying an extra 10—hell, maybe 15—pounds in the midriff, haven’t even thought about the gym in months, and they are unashamed. Why should they be? The Hollywood box-office draws have stopped looking like the lithe and graceful Orlando Blooms of the world, delicate and emotive and who might possibly weigh less than an average female fan, and instead now look like guys you can recognize as being from the same planet you inhabit, who eat, drink, and smoke what they want, pack on the pounds and still get to regularly bed skinny actresses who can’t remember what carbs taste like. What’s more, the women don’t mind a bit—in fact, some prefer it.

Izzy never knew he was such a trend-setter.

August 16, 2006

Not-So-Dark Vader

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 12:58 pm

Darth Vader in pastels

A crime against inhumanity.

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August 14, 2006

Red Castro

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 11:56 pm

Castro in Red

Whatever one thinks of Castro’s politics, it’s difficult to deny that his carefully chosen hospital attire projects an image of vim and vigor far better than does the typical wan gown. Bright red makes one look anything but fatigued.

The Manolo would appear to agree.

August 11, 2006

Clooney’s Kiton

Filed under: Celebrity,Men's Fashion,Suits — Izzy @ 11:58 pm

A few years ago, while watching the Coen brothers’ Intolerable Cruelty, Izzy was greatly impressed by the wardrobe of George Clooney’s character, in particular a sumptuous gray flannel suit with folds like butter. It’s too bad that Izzy isn’t a 42-regular with $2,500 to spare, since thanks to eBay he could have bid on one of the (Kiton) suits from the movie.

Clooney's Kiton suit

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