Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

May 2, 2007

Valenti, not Valent-ino

Jack Valenti with LBJ

Jack Valenti, the big macher who for 38 years headed the Motion Picture Association of America, was Napoleonic (or, more positively, Churchillian) in stature, but, like many diminutive but ultimately powerful men, he skillfully used his attire to make the most of what nature gave him. Sartorialists everywhere will miss him.

Jack Valenti in shirt and tie


  1. The borderline sacriledge of comparing Jack Valenti to Winston Churchill aside, why the suits in this photograph are illustrations? Very strange.

    Also, Izzy has missed the real fashion story here, which is the photo of Michael Douglas that slide show. A decent suit and tie on a Hollywood star? Unheard of!

    Comment by Chris — May 3, 2007 @ 2:07 am

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