Whichever of Barack Obama’s campaign staffers found those sleek black-and-white bowling shoes, the least objectionable pair possible, ought to get a raise, even the promise of a cabinet post. (Izzy notices that Obama is a lefty who wears his watch on his left arm, the political connotations of which are…?)
March 31, 2008
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Black and White? Are you colorblind? (I mean that in the nicest possible way.)
Comment by Greg — March 31, 2008 @ 3:13 pm
Who said you had to be good at something to make it LOOK good? WRONG.
Comment by Dracon — April 2, 2008 @ 2:10 pm
To add insult to injury, he only bowled a 37 over 7 frames, then went on less than a week later to pander to the elites, calling Blue-collar Americans: Gun-toting, Bible-Thumping Bigots. Guess who’s NOT getting my vote?
Comment by Smokey — April 19, 2008 @ 6:13 pm
Detroit, Michigan
All time ABC singles record holder.
“Women in general have much better rhythm and coordination than men and should make better bowlers. But they fail to move the ball with their first step, and therefore their timing and co-ordination are upset.”
I believe if,you want to bowl good then you need to have the best bowling tips there are!
Comment by Robert Eckert — September 20, 2008 @ 2:27 pm