Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

June 30, 2008

Swiss Mister

Filed under: Formal Wear,Glasses,Grooming,Men's Fashion,Shirts,Suits,Tailoring — Izzy @ 11:46 am

Arpad Busson

Not being a habitué of Gstaad, Izzy had never heard of French/Swiss financier Arpad Busson prior to the announcment of his engagement to Uma Thurman, but the self-made ladykiller definitely has the rich-playboy style down pat.  Note his high shirt collar, decolletage, unbuttoned (or are they uncuffed?) mitred cuffs, and funky bracelets.

In the past, with a different beauty on his arm, he has even been able to add color to a tuxedo without looking gauche.  But Izzy is even more impressed with Busson’s ultra-slim-fitting peak-lapel dinner jacket. (Are those bracelets his trademark?)

Arpad Busson in tuxedo

1 Comment

  1. The jacket is pulling a little bit too tight at the button.

    Comment by Casanova Ruffin — July 1, 2008 @ 5:01 am

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