Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

July 10, 2010

Shave the pits

Filed under: Grooming,Men's Fashion — Mr. Henry @ 3:41 pm

After a long flight, when you need to look alert and fresh at a business meeting, nothing gets you there like a shave. As soon as you disembark, nip into the men’s room, strip to the waist, shave and put on a clean shirt.

To really feel clean, shave under your arms.

That’s right, men. Shave those pits like a European footballer. Clark Gable did it, and who could question his masculinity?

Ignore snide remarks from macho idiots harboring secret doubts about their virility. A regime of shaving the armpits daily usually eliminates the need for deodorant. Do we really understand the long term health effects of antiperspirant aluminum compounds absorbed through the pores?

The best tactics to reduce underarm odor are through exercise, hygiene and diet. Get up a good sweat every day, wash, eat cleanly, and drink lots of water.

The general rule for hair is this: As you get older, your hair should get shorter. This goes for head as well as facial hair.

For better relations with womenfolk, shave your grizzled face. When bussing mother-in-law, auntie, or sis, do it with a smooth face. You may need their alliances on days when your wife goes bananas.

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  1. Metrosexuals of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your body hair.

    Comment by LaLarson — July 13, 2010 @ 12:47 am

  2. Ever heard “What’s fit for the goose is fit for the gander.”? Well, Ganders, man up and spend hours of your day making sure you are de-follicled and baby but smooth!!!! ALL OVER!!!!!! Bwahhhhahahahaha!!!!

    Comment by Jennie — July 13, 2010 @ 9:43 pm

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