Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

July 27, 2010

Bulge in the pocket?

Filed under: Men's Fashion,Wallets — Mr. Henry @ 2:51 pm

Stepping out on a warm summer evening looking sleek – face tan and stomach more trim than it’s been since last fall – will Mr. Henry ruin the line of his trousers with a bulging wallet in the pocket?

Since he doesn’t need a jacket in hot weather, why would he carry a fat wallet?

In addition to paper billets, his wallet bulges with credit cards (three), driver’s license, health club card, Metrocard transit pass, pictures of Little Henry (three), museum membership cards (four), insurance card, AAA card, business cards (three), and assorted restaurant receipts.

When headed for the local eatery with every intention of ordering a full allotment of two drinks before stumbling home a crooked mile, does he really need to carry so much back-up?

Not at all. Leaving the house in the evening, he pockets a slim card case sparely rigged out with driver’s license (in case of terrorist emergency), a Metrocard (in case of taxi strike), one credit card (VISA), and a business card. He then collects about $100 in assorted denominations – just enough clobber to cover any likely eventuality – and folds the bills into the front pants pocket next to card case and house keys.

Voilá. A flat front pocket. With this Spartan kit he is as prepared for battle as any knight of yore, better prepared, actually, because if he should take a tumble he won’t require the assistance of a page boy to remount.

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  1. Yesterday I talked with a fellow whose doctor told him he has permanent hip damage from sitting on his wallet in an office for 40 straight years. Too bad this blog wasn’t around back then to save him from this fate.

    Also: gentlemen, should you wish to divest yourselves of your wallets, by all means just send them along to me.

    Comment by raincoaster — July 29, 2010 @ 5:39 am

  2. It loosk more like pancetta than a wallet.

    Comment by phyllis — July 29, 2010 @ 2:20 pm

  3. Oh shame. I confess to wearing a manpurse on my butt on most occasions. Lately, however, I have slimmed and go out to dinner or to Church with a Drivers License, major credit card, health card (in case the sermon is pointed at me) and AAA (in case I drink too much after said sermon). Would that I could lose the muffin-top as easily.

    Comment by Darryl — August 2, 2010 @ 1:20 pm

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