Manolo for the Men Fashion and Lifestyle Advice for Men

June 26, 2007

Church’s and State

The Manolo has noted outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair’s revelation that

he had worn the same pair of shoes to his weekly question-and-answer session in parliament since he became the country’s leader.

The shoes in question — an 18-year-old pair of hand-made leather Brogues that have only been re-soled once — were made by Church’s in Northampton, central England.

“I know it’s ridiculous, but I’ve worn them for every PMQs (Prime Minister’s Questions) … I’ve actually had them for 18 years,” Blair told The Times in an interview, adding that “cheap shoes are a false economy.”

As the wise adage has it: Women brag about their newest clothing purchase, men their oldest.

In constrast to Ralph Nader, who has worn the same pair of army boots for decades, Blair’s choice of footwear is beyond reproach, and certainly not evidence of an unhealthy asceticism (so common among self-proclaimed saviors). 

The Prime Minister has come along way sartorially since his Oxford days.

Tony Blair in boater

For the story behind this bowdlerized photograph, as well as the full original image, which is an incredible depiction of the aristocracy at play, go here.


April 17, 2007

Big Shoes to Fill

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion,Shoes,Trousers — Izzy @ 12:55 am

footwear of the Manolo

Believe it or not, dear readers, but these feet are those of none other than the Manolo himself! He says he is wearing

the size eleven Clydes by the Taryn Rose, the pair of double-buckle, monk-strap shoes of which the Manolo has been especially fond this last year or so.

Who knew the Manolo was so tall? And who would have guessed he was such a fan of the gabardine?

For those who wish to follow the maestro’s taste in footwear, Zappos offers a similar, if more outre style from the same cordwainer.

January 15, 2007

Truth in Advertising

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 2:44 pm

Vivienne Westwood crap

Indeed, Ms. Westwood.

July 18, 2006

English as She Is Spoke

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo — Izzy @ 11:58 pm

Having learned that The Manolo’s unique patois may have been ripped off by the folks at Neiman Marcus, Izzy wishes to inform fans of his master’s voice of a book they will definitely enjoy: the unintentionally hilarious nineteenth-century classic English as She Is Spoke. Intended as a Portuguese-English phrasebook, its Portuguese authors suffered from just one minor problem: they knew no actual English. Instead, they relied on literal dictionary definitions when translating, which caused them to pen some of the funniest English of all time.

Here are some sample phrases from the book, which are followed by the correct English:

Sentence in Portuguese Given translation Idiomatic translation
As paredes têm ouvidos. The walls have hearsay. The walls have ears.
Anda de gatinhas. He go to four feet. He crawls. / Crawl. (imperative)
A estrada é segura? Is sure the road? Is the road safe?
Sabe montar a cavalo. He know ride horse. He knows how to ride a horse.
Que horas são? What o’clock is it? What time is it?
Quem cala consente. That not says a word, consent. He who doesn’t object, consents.
Que faz ele? What do him? What does he do? / What is he doing?
Tenho vontade de vomitar. I have mind to vomit. I feel like vomiting.
Este lago parece-me bem piscoso. Vamos pescar para nos divertirmos. That pond it seems me many multiplied of fishes. Let us amuse rather to the fishing. This lake seems like it’s full of fish. Let’s have some fun fishing.
Bem sei o que devo fazer ou me compete. I know well who I have to make. I know very well what I have to do and what my responsibilities are.

June 29, 2006

Pizza and Fashion Were Not Made for Each Other

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 12:04 pm

The Manolo thinks that the runway Pizza Boy was a bad idea during Fashion Week. Lord knows what he’d say if he had encountered the Pizza Pirate.

Pizza Pirate

June 27, 2006

Toe Fetish

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion,Shoes — Izzy @ 12:26 pm

The Manolo has kindly brought to his readers’ attention these shoes shaped like feet.

Izzy would like to offer a pair of socks to go with these wearable footprints.

toe socks

Apparently such toe socks are popular in Japan.

May 25, 2006

Perfidious Hackery

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo — Izzy @ 11:43 am

The Manolo has some important news:

It appears that the blogs of the Manolo have been hacked into by the persons unknown to the Manolo, who have installed the trojan download onto the front page of all of the Manolo’s blogs.

The Manolo belives that he has taken care of this problem, however, you if you visited the blogs of the Manolo during the preceeding day, you may wish to examine your computers for the trojan progams.

It is perhaps the virus described at this link that you may wish to look for. It is the virus the TROJ_WMFCRASH.C or perhaps one of its variations.

Izzy hopes none of his devoted readers were harmed by such knavery.  He has already unleashed the hounds…

April 19, 2006

The Pullet Surprise

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo — Izzy @ 11:39 am

Robin Givhan, the Washington Post’s style columnist, was just awarded the Pulitzer Prize for criticism. If her commentary on the Vice-President’s parka and pink tie, the Secretary of State’s boots, and the Chief Justice’s too perfect family was indeed prize-worthy, then the Manolo’s far superior musings should be a shoo-in next year. Start your write-in campaign now.

April 1, 2006

Beware the Fools of April

Filed under: Bad Fashion,Celebrity,Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion — Izzy @ 5:14 pm


The Manolo has been most cruelly sabotaged by the (one assumes) accident-prone Lagerfeld.

October 26, 2005


Filed under: Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion — Manolo @ 11:41 pm

Manolo says, the Manolo he has relaunched the Manolo for the Men Blog!

It is new! It is improved! And the Manolo he will again be posting at this blog regularly, dispensing the fashion, grooming, and etiquette advice to the mens.

February 24, 2005

Coming Soon

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo,Uncategorized — Manolo @ 11:05 am

Manolo says, the Manolo he apologizes to you for the lack of the posting in this forum. The fashion weeks they have been the time of busyness for the Manolo, especially as the Miuccia Prada she presented this week a stunning fall line in the Milan. Of the course, the Manolo he has been doing much blogging about this over at the Manolo’s Prada Blog.

Soon, the Manolo he will return with many good things and with the answers to many of the questions sent to him by his internet friends.

January 19, 2005

Why the Manolo Started His Prada Blog

Filed under: Doings of the Manolo,Men's Fashion — Manolo @ 6:35 pm

Manolo says, undoubtedly many of the readers of the Manolo they have been wondering why the Manolo he started an entire blog devoted to the fashions and personalities of the Prada and why he was resistant to starting the blog about the mens fashion.

Here, in this article about the Milan menswear show, the Miuccia herself she tells you why.

By her own words, Miuccia Prada has decided to take menswear seriously. “It’s time to put the avant-garde behind, and analyze what men really want from fashion,” the designer said after her Monday preview presentation of a no-fuss, classical look for next winter. […]

“Let’s face it, men are conservative at heart,” Prada said.

Manolo says, this it exactly expresses the philosophy of the Manolo with regard to the dressing of the mens. The fashion of the man, it is about the classical forms and materials, this despite the long-standing attempts of the confused GQ-reading peacocks to bring about the radical change.

Manolo belives that if the man he can keep his shape, he can wear the same suit, if it is of the high quality and the classical tailoring, from the young manhood into his grave. The same it can be said of the mens shoes.

This it is why the Manolo, he did not initially want to start the blog about the fashion for the man, because it is not as exciting to the Manolo as the shoes for the women. (Ultimately, only the out crying of the masses in need presuaded the Manolo to relent.)

Manolo says, the Miuccia, she knows.

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