According to Newsweek, patrons of tattoo parlors are increasingly getting inked with their favorite brand logos.
Perhaps that Polo pony is actually one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
According to Newsweek, patrons of tattoo parlors are increasingly getting inked with their favorite brand logos.
Perhaps that Polo pony is actually one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
In honor of National Underwear Day, Izzy would like to bring to your attention a style of boxer rarely found in America, but one that he has enjoyed wearing.
As you can see, the fly is scalloped-shaped, which makes it both quite comfortable and helps to prevent anything from indecorously poking out.
You can find this sort of style, which unfortunately Izzy doens’t know the name of, on sale at the British shirtmaker T. M. Lewin.
While reading pleasurably by the pool this weekend, Izzy came across a passage from John Keats’ letters in which the poet explains his cure for depression:
“Whenever I find myself growing vapourish, I rouse myself, wash and put on a clean shirt, brush my hair and clothes, tie my shoestrings neatly, and in fact adonize as I were going out—then all clean and comfortable I sit down to write. This I find the greatest relief.”
Gentlemen suffering from the blues, adonize thyselves!
By wearing his shirt untucked to his own wedding, Jean Reno shows just how seriously he takes his third trip down the aisle. Izzy wishes the new wife bon chance.
Probably no haberdasher can take more credit for having created the Ivy League look, nowawadays called “trad” (for traditional American), than J. Press, which started as an outfitter to Yalies in New Haven. There’s a story that while in office a heckler shouted at the first George Bush, “Why do you always wear those boring Brooks Brothers suits?” Bush smiled, unbuttoned his jacket, and showed the J. Press label on the inside.
Though J. Press can indeed be ultra-conservative at times, Izzy doubts anyone would call these clever, youthful ties boring.
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